Sharing The Virtual Experience

The way I began my virtual subcontracting career was no officially an intern but much of the same concept. I had a mentor who I learned a ton from. Interns can be a win win for both parties. The virtual service provider giving the team member the opportunity to work under them is priceless. So I highly suggest providing an intern program or participating in one if at all possible.
Eden Spodak, who was a guest on Virtual Team 360 podcast 005, in this article one of her interns talks about what they learned during an intern experience at Spodek & Company. The company’s expertise is in digital marketing and communication. Eden was the service provider that gave someone the chance to experience her expertise. What a kind gesture.
Just like other things having an intern program takes work. You’ve got to research, plan, seek and be consistant at it It’s a way to give back in a sense. It can also be a way to figure out what parts of your business to start subcontracting. Will it make more sense to have someone else provide your clients’ social media, admin tasks, website services or online bookkeeping just to name a few services you may provide.
So how about you? Have you had interns on staff? Were the results positive? Or are you someone considering an internship in digital marketing and communications? I would love to hear more below!