In order to make money you have to spend money. I’m not talking about spending frivolously. The spending needs to be an investment to take your business to the next level. There are a ton of free resources on the web, which are great to get you started, but they won’t last forever.
Through the Solo Smarts podcast I learned to like, trust and invest in Kelly McCausey. The podcast is free and it really got me headed in the right direction. One of the first products I invested into was a mastermind group, Solo Masterminds. Why you ask? Because it was a great way to learn, network and potentially gain clients. It took me close to six months before I got my PayPal card out to join the group.
The membership now includes full access to full version products sold outside of the membership – all together you’d spend about $400 to access them… I haven’t mentioned this yet but probably the best news ever is this: You only have to pay for your membership for 12 months, then you ‘graduate’ into lifetime free access.
Another thing to remember is there are a ton of mastermind groups out there. You can belong to multiple or just a few. I highly suggest keeping to a minimum of two and no more than five. Otherwise your head will be spinning with ideas and your business won’t grow.
Find out more and get signed up here: