In the past decade, small and bigger businesses have turned to subcontracting for a series of benefits. When deciding to subcontract, businesses save money. A subcontractor may seem more expensive than a regular employee, but in the long run it saves businesses money.
My passion is helping businesses make the right decision when subcontracting. You can turn to me for support and advice either as a business owner who needs to subcontract work, or a subcontractor looking for the work. And one thing I truly understand is that doing business is all about the right people. Especially in a service-based business, virtual, or brick and mortar. One cannot grow a business without its most valuable commodity: people. Whether employed full-time, per project or per a period of time, the right job will be done by the right people.
This may sound incredibly simple and true, yet one thing that I have learned is that business owners who take their team seriously grow. Without showing dedication, trust, and a personal side, your business will go no where. Although I have been “away” from my audience so to speak for a little while, I have observed, helped, and learned a lot during this time. And I am very excited to be back sharing from my experience with you.
The subcontracting business is a living and breathing thing, like any other business.
So, what has happened lately to bring more value to the idea of subcontracting? Below you will find my major conclusions after this hiatus.

1. One shift that I have noticed, is that the perception of outsourcing has changed and improved considerably. Outsourcing has continued to acquire a positive aura, and businesses understand that outsourcing can be done locally, at a state-level or nationally, it does not have to mean going overseas. The advantage of outsourcing?
Outsourcing is a cost that only occurs when you need help, rather than being a regular cost. In addition, it saves businesses from paying a number of fees, like employment insurance, social benefits and union fees.
2. Virtual assistance has become more and more popular. Depending on the industry, “virtual help” is sought and valued. But what does it mean to be a Virtual Assistant? Being a Virtual Assistant subcontractor means that an experienced Virtual Assistant hires you to complete projects that they have under contract.
3. Increased product quality and problem prevention. I feel these two go hand-in-hand. Furthermore, as the selection process is rigorous, choosing the right subcontractor will guarantee a quality product that will meet all expectations. Remember that contractors are specialized in their area; and this is where I come in place, as well, making sure you will be connected with the best subcontractor, or the right business, depending on your role.
Another wonderful thing that I have experienced, is the endless opportunities! In the subcontracting world, when one door closes other doors open. Although I have witnessed the retirement of a long-time customer of 10 years, I counted my blessings, and looked for new clients. And my perseverance has paid off! Which brings me to the reality of transitioning from working outside the home full-time to coming home and working remotely, providing subcontracting services.
You too are probably in love with being a part of a team that creates success. What has worked for you? How are you creating new client opportunities? Before you share your thoughts, I can tell you what has worked for me: Networking. One of the organizations that I belong to is the International Virtual Association of Virtual Assistants (IVAA). Rather than reinventing the wheel, the members share their “a-ha” moments and tips. Using Linkedin, I acquire new clients consistently and have the opportunity to work on exciting projects, all the time.
If you are in need of advice or resources, feel free to reach out and I will make sure to get those resources ready for you. Also, for any questions or suggestions specific to subcontracting, email me at info@old.virtualteam360.com