Tag Archives: subcontracting

3 Pillars of a Successful Business – Start on the Right Foot!

For most people a New Year and new beginnings means setting goals, resolutions, making lists with checkmarks that most times remain unchecked. So, instead of putting the pressure of achieving goals, I invite you to look at three aspects of … Continue reading

Podcast , , , , , , , , , ,

Why Transcribing Services Are Better Than Inhouse

Podcast guest, Ajay Prasad , from podcast episode 14 discussing his transcribing team has a great article why transcribing isn’t always best to have in house. In today’s digital age, most firms have adopted remote collaboration to cut costs. This trend … Continue reading

How & What To Subcontract , ,

Watch How Subcontracting Is At A Turning Point

So excited you’re on this journey with me in subcontracting. We’re turning the corner and this You Tube video allows me to give you the tour of where we’re turning the corner. It comes down to tips, networking, podcasts and … Continue reading

Youtube Tutorials , , , ,

Subcontracting is at a turning point – Be a part of it

In the past decade, small and bigger businesses have turned to subcontracting for a series of benefits. When deciding to subcontract, businesses save money. A subcontractor may seem more expensive than a regular employee, but in the long run it saves businesses money. Continue reading

Become a Subcontractor , , , , , , , ,