What to Do When Health Affects Your Business

Aug 2016 blog photoAll entrepreneurs have varying personal circumstances that affect their businesses. Some are childless, yet planning for a family, while some desire to stay that way. One might be an empty-nester, the next a stay-at-home mom. Many are working parents with a job outside the home, trying to balance their small business.

Personally, I’m talking from the standpoint of a mid-40s parent who is working outside the home while growing my business part-time. In the last few months, I’ve begun to notice a pattern. It seems that my health is often getting the best of me, in terms of my productivity. Spring and summer were full of celebrations, including graduations, first communions, and the like. Those are enjoyable activities but they also require energy, especially when they come one after the other.

My daughter also found a new job, which is great, but I need to plan on how to get her to and from work, while still having my own outside job. Like any other kid, my son can get bored during the summer. So I’ve had to make sure I keep him occupied. That can be very time-consuming! I’ve become run-down, and hence inconsistent in my business. All of this caused me high amounts of anxiety, which continued the cycle of inconsistency. While I recognized that I’d had no choice in what led up to it, I knew something had to be done.

I started with simple steps. I began to utilize the Google Calendar tool, in order to stay organized. It’s immensely helpful to see all my upcoming events and deadlines in a glance. It’s so much easier to stay on track with my client tasks. I continue to work with the accountability partner I found on VA Networking, who has been vital to my success. I also stay in communication with my ghostwriter and have monthly calls with her. It’s important for the people I work with to know what’s going on.

Last but definitely not least, the support of certain friends, family, and fellow business owners has been so important. I’ve been incredibly thankful. Unfortunately, with being so busy and having a tendency to struggle concentrating on my own things, I haven’t had a chance to truly thank them for what they’ve done for me. This fall, I’m looking into specific companies that specialize in sending out special gifts. Some of the ones I’ve looked at include Send Out Cards and Cupcakes in a Jar. Even something as simple as an inspirational book can show them how much I appreciate them, and can hopefully help them as well. In the end, it’s not so much the gift as it is the acknowledgement of their help. Everyone wants to feel appreciated.

Have any of you had this issue? What have you done to fix it, or what are you doing to work on it? By sharing our stories, our experiences can help others. Please share – I’d love to hear from you!

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